Fresh popcorn at home

These make one of the yummiest and healthiest snack you can have when you are trying to eat healthy but you just don’t want to eat a fruit or a salad as a snack. Also, once you are used to the fresh ones, the store bought popcorn will never do for you, but that’s okay.

So, I make mine in a 2 litre pressure cooker which is present in any Indian home anywhere, but you can use any vessel with thick flat bottom and a lid with a steam vent. Generally, its bottom should be just wide enough to let all the corn to get the heat and oil evenly.

I pour in 2 tsp of oil and 1/4 tsp of salt and put the cooker over medium low flame. then I pour in 1/2 cup of corn kernels (regular cheap ones you get in the supermarket NOT “act 2 popcorn” or some such thing). Swish the kernels around so that they are coated with the oil and salt. Close the cooker lid without the whistle and listen. Once the popping sounds are about 5-6 seconds apart, it is done. Switch off flame, wait for 1 or 2 minutes for the popping to stop completely and open carefully. Dump the sweet smelling snack into a bowl and enjoy!!

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