Hair fall update

Few months back i had shared how my hairfall got cured using Kottakkal aryavaidyasala products. I just want to post an update. I am back in south korea now. During the winter months my hair wash frequency was reduced to once a week but i continue to use nilibringadi oil 20 min before bath and used lukewarm water instead of hot water on hair. I discontinued the tablets and the rasayanam.
i noticed a lot of frays and was concerned for a while but it turned out to be baby hair! I sometimes put a bit of vitamin e from evon-400 capsules on my hairline and at the ends of my hair. Maybe that is helping too. The frayshave grown out about 3 inches now. My hair is noticeably thicker. Yay!

Hair fall cured!

I am a 31yr old mother of a 2 year old. Soon after delivery I had tremendous amount of harifall and it continued till few weeks back when I found a cure in ayurveda.

Kottakkal Nilibhringadi Keratailam

I went to one of their shops and consulted the doctor there. These are the tips she gave me:

  1. Do not pour warm/hot water on your hair. It will cause hairfall
  2. Whenever the body gets heated too much or stressed, hairfall can happen
  3. Nutritional deficiency can cause hairfall

I was definitely guilty of #1 since I had moved to South Korea and I had been using hot water to mitigate the cool temperature there. I do get stressed too(#2) and one of the simplest methods to mitigate it and bring relaxation is to pour(yes, pour) oil on the crown of your head and massage it into the scalp 10-20 minutes before showering. Another is to massage oil into the arch of your feet for few minutes before bath (be careful while walking around with oil under your feet). Both these simple remedies do help relax the body and promote restful sleep.

So the doctor asked me to use “Kottakkal Nilibhringadi Keratailam” everyday(or as often as possible) 20 minutes before bath on my scalp. She gave me 2 more products which are for solving any nutritional deficiencies I might have: Pravalabhasmam(200mg tablets) 1-0-1 and Brahmarasayanam (1 tsp daily).

One more important tip she added was to use a mild shampoo (I use Himalaya Baby Shampoo which she said is fine) and only use it diluted into a cup of water. She said this will let a light coating of oil remain in the hair/scalp which is good for me. I found my hair  glistening a bit too much with this tip, but I follow it unless there is a party I need my hair completely oil-free for.

I got results in 2-3 weeks and my hairfall has stopped except the normal few strands. I am very happy about this and I continue to use the oil hoping that my tresses will thicken to their earlier condition. My hair is ultra fine and wavy-curly, but I used to have enough hair strands to have a veritable bush.

I would also like to share that I am a believer of the curly girl method and prefer minimum chemicals/heat on my hair.

I hope this helps others like me. Their outlets are quite common in Kerala and also in Bangalore where I used to live before my shift to South Korea. I have stocked up on the Kottakkal products I like from India so I use them as possible even in South Korea.